Summer in the Capital
I am delighted to say that summer has officially arrived in London. The streets and parks are abuzz with activity and the city is well and truly in bloom. It’s…
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An unpaid carer provides essential support to a friend or family member who is unable to cope due to a disability, a mental health issue or an addiction.
There are more than seven million unpaid carers in the UK and on average these carers are working for an additional 10 hours a week.
Unpaid carers across the country are now faced with new challenges because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes working even more hours per week and as a result, are suffering with feelings of extreme worry and burnout.
Since the pandemic, Carers Trust has done a fantastic job of providing unpaid carers with much needed information, advice, emotional support, hands on practical help and access to much needed breaks.
From the 7th – 13th of June, Carers Trust joined forces with six major charities including, Oxfam and Age UK, for Carers Week. The aim of this annual campaign is to help carers feel more visible and valued and Northacre has been proudly supporting the cause by raising awareness and funds. To facilitate this the team will be taking part in a fundraising activity in aid of Carers Trust in July – stay tuned for more details on this in our next journal! For more information about the campaign click here or to donate please click here.
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